
CANARIES ON THE POLE | present music | live recording & livestream


| 6,00 € – 12,00 €

Loft Wißmannstr. 30 50823 Köln [ Ehrenfeld ] www.loftkoeln.de
Das deutsch-belgische Quartett erfreut seine ZuhörerInnen mittlerweile seit mehr als 20 Jahren mit feinsinniger, absurder, humorvoller, spannender und abwechslungsreicher Musik, die das Ensemble im Moment/on the spot in einem jeweils einzigartigen und unwiederholbaren Ereignis kreiert.
Alle vier Musiker waren und sind international in Sachen zeitgenössischer Improvisierter Musik unterwegs und schöpfen so aus dem tiefen Brunnen ihres musikalischen Könnens, ihrer künstlerischen Erfahrung und der ganzen Palette klanglicher Möglichkeiten von Ton über ...
Das deutsch-belgische Quartett erfreut seine ZuhörerInnen mittlerweile seit mehr als 20 Jahren mit feinsinniger, absurder, humorvoller, spannender und abwechslungsreicher Musik, die das Ensemble im Moment/on the spot in einem jeweils einzigartigen und unwiederholbaren Ereignis kreiert.
Alle vier Musiker waren und sind international in Sachen zeitgenössischer Improvisierter Musik unterwegs und schöpfen so aus dem tiefen Brunnen ihres musikalischen Könnens, ihrer künstlerischen Erfahrung und der ganzen Palette klanglicher Möglichkeiten von Ton über Geräusch zu Melodie und abstrakter Gestalt.
Diesen Reisführern, die ihr Publikum sicher durch unbekanntes Terrain und an verschwiegene Orte geleiten werden, kann man sich daher bedenkenlos anvertrauen.

Das Konzert wird zusätzlich im livestream (pay-per-View: 5€) übertragen. Informationen zum pay-per-view Angebot im LOFT gibt es hier:
Die Einnahmen gehen zu 100% an die jeweils aufführenden Musiker*innen.

Informationen zu den Preisen, Karten-Reservierungen und den Öffnungszeiten hier:


The German-Belgian quartet has been delighting its listeners for more than 20 years with subtle, absurd, humorous, exciting and varied music, which the ensemble creates in the moment/on the spot in a unique and unrepeatable event.
All four musicians have traveled internationally in the field of contemporary improvised music and thus draw from the deep well of their musical skills, their artistic experience and the whole range of sonic possibilities from sound to noise to melody and abstract form.
These tour guides, who will safely lead their audience through unknown terrain and to secretive places, can therefore be trusted without hesitation.

Georg Wissel, sculptor of compressed air, saxophones, clarinet and preparations, composition.
Wissel is artistically active as an Improviser, instrumentalist and composer. Inspired by collaborations with colleagues in electronic music, he began in the late 1990s to look for ways to expand the sound palette of his instruments through preparations. These have since become an integral part of his playing in addition to expanding his playing techniques.
Wissel performes internationally both solo and with various ensembles and renowned exponents of improvised and contemporary music in Europe, South America, Asia, Australia and the USA.
Since 2010, Wissel has expanded his work with sound and noise in his instrumental practice with acousmatic sound compositions.

Jacques Foschia, Clarinets
Born august 60, he is a classical trained musician: he won the first prize of clarinet at  the Conservatoire Royale de Mons, Belgium in ´85 and received the diploma del merito of the Accademia Chigiana in sSena, for wich he was granted. From ´89 to ´92 he  received a dutch government scholarship in the Conservatory of Rotterdam.
Member of various symphony and chamber orchestras, he performed both straight  classical and contemporary compositions and met the double-bass legend Barre Phillips in ´95. Member of the Brussels's improvising musicians collective "inaudible",  their large improvising ensemble "brol" and the "london improvisors orchestra" (L.I.O.). He founded in 1999 with the percussionnist Mike Goyvaerts the duo klunk which has  performed in the Antwerpen Free Music Festival 2001.
He's also involved on radio and comunication arts. His work focused essentially on the relationship between sound and distance/space, take place in various experimental radio festivals ("radiophon'ic 2003" festival in Brussels), events (Long night of radio Art, Art's birthday etc...
His work includes the particitation of radio artists among the world like Tetsuo Kogawa (Radio Kinesonus)

Mike Goyvaerts, Percussion
He starts off in 1963, first as a bass player soon switching to drums, and plays in almost every style of popular music.
Little by little he gets more involved into more experimental music, jazz, free jazz to end up in the mid-eighties as a free improviser. By that time he becomes a director of the Antwerp Free Music Festival and co-organizes this event for nearly 20 years, which allows him to encounter and to play with the cream of this music scene.
And although he plays a lot with ad hoc formations, he prefers working with small units over longer periods being more the work in progress attitude.
He works also with dancers, poets, performers, plays solo, shares duos with Jacques Foschia (klunk) and Georg Wissel (BEEfor2) and larger units with André Goudbeek, Peter Jacquemyn, Philo Lenglet, Jan Huib Nas, Laurent Rigaut, Steve Swell, Willy Van Buggenhout, Fred Van Hove etc...

Christoph Irmer, Violin
Diploma for violin at the Musikhochschule Köln - department Wuppertal in 1990.
Playing the acustic and amplified improvised violin today. 1992 membering the improvising orchestra of the "documenta ix" at kassel. 1994/95 involved in the project of Peter Kowald "365 days in town" at Wuppertal and a member of his "ort-ensemble";  1996 cooperation with Tony Oxley, Trevor Watts and others at the "drumming for africa" at Viersen; since 1997 duo violin/piano with Agustí Fernández (Barcelona); since 1998 "statements quintet" with Dominic Duval (d.-bass, electronics, new york), Jay Rosen (drums, new york), Ursel Schlicht (piano, new york), Hans Tammen (guitars, electronics, new york); member of the L.I.O. (london improvisers orchestra) since 2004. Co-operation with Jean Sasportes, Chrystel Guillebeaud (dance theatre pina bausch).
Organizing the "Klappstuhl Fest", Wuppertal, an annual festival for dance, music and art.

The concert will also be livestreamed (pay-per-view: 5€). Information about the pay-per-view offer at LOFT can be found here:
100% of the revenue will go the performing artists.

Information about prices, ticket reservations and our opening times can be found here:
Loft Wißmannstr. 30 50823 Köln [ Ehrenfeld ] www.loftkoeln.de Veranstaltungsort

  • Bassklarinette, Klarinette
    Jacques Foschia
  • Perkussion
    Mike Goyvaerts
  • Violine
    Christoph Irmer
  • Altsaxophon, Klarinette



Deutscher Jazzpreis: "Club / Spielstätte des Jahres" 2021 & 2023 one of "10 of the best jazz clubs in Europe " the guardian, 2016 "...längst hat das Loft Weltruhm erspielt" Stadtrevue, 2010 Das LOFT im Kölner Stadtteil Ehrenfeld ist eben genau das: ein großräumiges Loft. Seit 1989 hat die musikalische Avantgarde dort ihr Zuhause, vor allem für Jazzstudierende ist es Szenebacking und Versuchslabor ...

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